

Variation Word Processing Documents

  Tables, graphs, pictures and diagrams are complementary components that are sometimes required at the time of making the document to clarify or provide information on the discussion that we make.
A.Menyisipkan Table
1. Create New Table
To add a table into a word document the steps:
a. Click the Insert tab and then click the Table icon in the Tables group,
b. Then highlight the number of columns and rows to be inserted,
c. If the columns and rows in the table are inserted in large quantities, then after pressing the icon followed by pressing the Insert Table Table which will display the Insert Table dialog box,
1) On the number of columns, specify as many columns to be inserted,
2) On the number of rows, specify multiple lines to be inserted.
d. The new table will be added to dokumen.Untuk add style to the table click the Design menu, then click on the ribbon style Table Style.
2.Menyisipkan Rows or Columns New
If the table has been created there kekuranagn row or column, then we can insert a new column or row.
a. Highlight columns / rows in the table to be inserted with the new column or row,
b. On the Table Tools, click the Rows & Columns group Layout.Pada we can choose the following options:
1) Insert Above: to insert a new row above the highlighted row,
2) Insert Below: to insert a new row below the row highlighted,
3) Insert Left: for Mmnyisipkan tables, rows, cells, and the left column,
4) Insert Right: untukmenyisipkan tables, rows, cells, and the right column.
3.Menghapus Cells, Rows, Columns or Table
If the table that we will make no excess of cells, rows or columns, then we can delete cells, columns, or rows, juag can directly delete the entire existing tables by:
a. Highlight the column or row to be discarded,
b. On the Table Tools, click the Rows & Columns Layout.Pada gtup, click the Delete command can select the following options:
1) Delete Cells to remove the cells that housed the insertion point.
2) Delete Columns to delete the highlighted column.
3) Delete Rows to remove the highlighted line.
4) Delete Table to delete the highlighted table.
Flattening 3.Merubah Text on Any Cell
The text that we put in the table can be changed by using the alignment perataannya on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group namaun it only for horizontal leveling saja.Kita can also use the alignment of the text sekaligusmemposisikan be at the top of the cell, the center of the bottom of the cell or cells. steps:
a. Highlight some of the cells that will be changed alignment / position,
b. On the Table Tools Layout tab and Alligment group, we can select by pressing one form or position of alignment with our desires.
To set the orientation / direction of the text in the table are the steps:
a. Highlight the text in the table to be altered orientation,
b. On the Table Tools Layout tab and Alligment group, we can press the Text Direction command and do a few times so that the direction of the text in accordance with our wishes.
4.Menggabungkan cells
To combine multiple cells into one, the steps are:
a. Highlight the cells to be merged,
b. Click the Merge Cells command on the Table Tools, on the Layout tab and Merge group.
Row or Column Width 5.Mengatur
To set the size of the row or column, the steps are:
a. Highlight the row or column to be resized,
b. Click the Layout tab, setting the width of rows and columns contained in the Cell Size ribbon.
B.Menyisipkan Graphics
In making the script is sometimes necessary graphs to illustrate certain conditions, such as graphs penjualan.Berikut results will explain the steps in the chart insert.
a. Click the Insert tab, so the icons appear for the manufacture of the graph, click Chart anaesthetized,
b. Chart Type will appear that contains the types grafik.Pilih with one click.
c. It would appear the graphic display and window Excel.Pada Excel window tables are associated with table.Ubah components on the table,
d. After clicking on the icon Excel.Grafik the Word document has changed.
C.Menyisipkan Image
1.Menyisipkan ClipArt
ClipArt picture or illustration is provided by Microsoft Word.Gambar These images can be added in the text so as to beautify the appearance teks.Untuk add ClipArt, can perform the following steps:
a. Click the Insert menu and then click the icon appears ClipArt.Sehingga ClipArt dialog box like the picture,
b. Do click on the Organize box clips.Sesaat later, a dialog box will appear "Collection List"
c. In the column Collection List, we can choose a source that can ClipArt ClipArt diambil.Khusus to take the Microsoft Office, do a double click on the folder will then appear Collection.Sesaat Office folders containing ClipArt.Lakukan option click on a folder, for example Buildings.Selanjutnya folder will appear option pictures can be taken.
2.Menyisipkan Image
Illustrations that can be added to the ClipArt not limited to, another reference image can also add a picture in the text ditambahkan.Untuk, rare-can perform the following steps:
a. Place the cursor in the document that diinginkan.Klik Insert menu, then select Picture.Lanjutkan to choose From File.Selanjutnya will display the Insert Picture dialog box,
b. Caliah location of the desired image in the Look in box,
c. Click the name of the image file,
d. Click Insert to insert the picture in the document.
D.Membuat Mail Merge
Mail Merge facility would have dikenal.Namun with the development of Microsoft Word 2003 to Microsoft Word 2007, users will slightly kesulitan.Pada this tutorial, we will discuss simple steps using Mail Merge in Microsoft Word 2007:
1. Write the word 'the' and 'in' on a worksheet in MS Word 2007,
2. Select the menu lists,
3. Select the Start Mail Merge,
4. Select the Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard,
5. On the right will display the sub menu merge.Pilih mail letters to create the type of documents in the surat.Setelah continue by pressing the next button at the bottom,
6. In step 2, select the Use the Current Document for using documents that are in use or at the beginning has dibuat.Setelah was followed by pressing the next button at the bottom,
7. Select the Type a new list or create a list of new data that will be used or incorporated into surat.Lanjutkan by pressing the Create menu,
8. After New Addres List menu appears, select the sub menu Addres List.Sub Customize this menu is used if you want to change the title of the data to be entered,
9. In the sub menu has a list of titles data.For delete press the Delete menu,
10. To enter the title of the new data according kainginan, choose the menu Add.Isi available empty column with the title of the required data by pressing the menu Insert.Tekan OK to terminate,
11. Once the process is complete, fill in the title of the data with the data that is needed by pressing the menu new entry.Untuk end to press OK,
12. Automatically menu will appear Save.Simpanlah data that had been made, for example in the "My Documents" .Beri data file name, such as "exercise Mail Merge" After that will appear the menu data entered select OK,
13. However, if it finds no wrong data when you enter, then click on the file name in the column of data source.Lalu select the Edit menu,
14. If it is returned to the worksheet in MS Word, select Insert Merge Field menu,
15. Enter a title sesuai.Misalnya data on place names inserted after the word "the".
16. To view the results select the Preview toolbar Result result,
17. To print a document created click the "Office button" Then select Print,
18. Print.Pilih dialog box appears on the printer type Name.Pada Page range box select "All" to print all pages, select Current Page to print the current page, and the Copies box for the number of copies of the document to be printed.
19. Click OK to print.

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