


Do you know a musical instrument called angklung?. Angklung is a musical instrument that originated from the western part of Java island. Angklung is a musical instrument multitonal or double pitched bamboo. This instrument is played by shaken.
No signs began when angklung used, but is thought to have been used in a primitive form of Neolithic culture that flourished in the archipelago until the modern, so angklung is part of the relics of the pre-culture of Hinduism in the archipelago.
Angklung appears referring to the kingdom of Sunda (age 12-16). The origin of the creation of bamboo music such as angklung based view of life sunda agrarian society with the lifeblood of rice as a staple food. This gave rise to the myth of trust in Nyai Sri Pohaci as a symbol of life-giving goddess of rice. Bedouins were regarded as the remains of native Sundanese people, applying angklung as part of a ritual started the cultivation of rice. Jasinga gubrak angklung game in Bogor is one that is still alive since more than 400 years ago begins its emergence from rice rites. Angklung created and played to lure Dewi Sri down to earth so fertile rice plants.
Usually people use black bamboo (awi wulung) to make Angklung and white bamboo (awi friend).
Angklung Sundanese community known since the time of the Sunda kingdom, which is to penggugah spirit when fighting. Angklung function as a society still terasasampau penggugah colonial period, up until Hndia Dutch government banned the public use of Angklung. The ban makes angklung popularity declined, and at that time only played Angklung children alone.
Angklung then progressed to the area of Java and Borneo and Sumatra. In 1908 recorded a cultural mission from Indonesia to Thailand, marked the transfer angklung, and had developed there.
And since 1966 Udjo Ngalagena namely Angklung figures who developed the technique of playing by the barrel and the barrel pelog salendro madenda started teaching how to play angklung to many people from various communities
Various kinds of Angklung Angklung is Kanekes, Angklung Deg Deg lojor, Angklung gubrak, Angklung Badeng, Angklung Beans.
Until now Angklung is still growing in Indonesia.

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