

SOFTWARE,Operating system

In this article we will discuss about some of the issues related to 'the introduction of a computer' which leads to the software. Among them;
a. Types of software
b. Operating system and control program
c. Utilities and service programs as well as
d. User application programs

Software or Software is a computer program that serves as a means of interaction between the user and the hardware. Or simple language all the programs used to run the computer. The software can also be regarded as a 'translator' commands executed computer users to be processed by the hardware.

A. Types of Software
There are several types of software, in terms of functionality and review the terms of how to obtain it.
There are 3 types of levels of software in terms of functionality, including:
- Operating Systems
- Application Program
- Programming Languages

Operating system
Operating system or operating system (OS) is a software system that served to make the control and management of hardware and basic system operations, including the execution of software applications such as word processing programs and multimedia. In other words, the operating system software on the first layer is placed in the computer's memory when the computer starts up. While other software is executed after running the Operating System and Operating System will perform core services common to these softwares. The common core services such as the intention of disk access, memory management, task scheduling, and user interface. So that each of the software no longer need to perform the tasks of the common core, because it can be served and carried out by the Operating System.

Operating system is the link between the hardware layer and the software layer. Further than that, the Operating System perform all important tasks in the computer, and ensure that different applications can run simultaneously with the smooth. Operating System ensure other software applications can use memory, input and output of the other equipment, and have access to the file system. When multiple applications running simultaneously, then the Operating System set skedule right, so far as possible all running processes get enough time to use the processor (CPU) and do not interfere with each other.
The operating system is divided into three major groups:

1. Microsoft Windows - which is comprised of the Windows Desktop Environment (version 1.x to version 3.x), Windows 9x (Windows 95, 98, and Windows ME), and Windows NT (Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (Seven), which was released in 2009, and Windows Orient which will be released in 2014).
2. Unix operating system that uses the POSIX interface, such as SCO UNIX, BSD family (Berkeley Software Distribution), GNU / Linux, MacOS / X (based on a modified BSD kernel, and is known by the name of Darwin) and GNU / Hurd.
3. Mac OS, an operating system for Apple computers commonly called Mac or Macintosh. The latest operating system is Mac OS X version 10.4 (Tiger). And version 10.5 (Leopard).
Examples of Windows XP operating system.
program Application
Application programs or software application is a subclass of computer software that uses computer skills directly to perform a task that the user wants. Or it can simply be interpreted as the software that created for specific purposes. The primary example of application software are word processing (mikrosoft office, writer, etc.), graphic image processing (CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, etc.), and media players (winamp, media player, nero showtime, etc.).
Some applications are merged together into a package sometimes referred to as a package or suite of applications (application suite). Examples are Microsoft Office and, which combines a word processing application, spreadsheets, as well as several other applications. Applications in a package usually has a user interface that has similarities making it easier for users to learn and use each application. Often, they have the ability to interact with each other so as to benefit the user. For example, a worksheet can be embedded in a word processor document even though the application was made on a separate worksheet.
Various - Various Software
1. Operating System
The operating system is the software that is first read by the computer at boot time as the basic operation of the computer. There are two types of operating systems based interface to the user (user interface) that is based CUI (Character User Interface) and GUI (Graphical User Interface). CUI-based operating system, for example: DOS (Disk Operating System) and UNIX operating systems and Linux on a terminal or console mode. While the GUI-based operating system, for example: Microsoft Windows 9x, 2000, NT, XP, as well as UNIX and Linux operating systems that have been supporting GUI.
2. Utility assistance program or
auxiliary program (utility) is a program that is used to fill the gap or retrieval of an operating system file deleted. PC Tools and Norton Utilities is an example of the program. One of the weaknesses of DOS is not able to work in a network system. Therefore, some companies create additional programs that can change the DOS system (single user or a stand alone system) into the operating system that can be used by multiple users (multi-user). Netware, Token R ing and Lantastic merukan examples of this program.
3. Language Computer (Computer Language)
Computer Language is the language used to create computer programs. Language called karenacomputer language has vocabulary and grammar that must be obeyed by the wearer.
Included in this type are:
a. Low Level Language, is a low level language because it is difficult to understand and can only be understood by the author. This is a program which includes assembly language machine language
b. High Level Language, is a high-level language for using words that are easy to understand. An example of the program is BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN, etc.
4. Application Program
The application program is a ready-made software that will be used to help carry out its work. This application is prepared as needed.
Applications can no longer be distinguished:
a. Word Processing
Word Processing is a program that can be used to edit the manuscript. Example: Microsoft Word, Lotus Ami Pro and WordPerfect.
b. Desktop Publishing
Is a program that manages the layout of the mold on a manuscript that is ready for printing. Example: Ventura Publisher, Page Maker.
c. programs Spreadsheets
Programs is used to process data in the column. Example: Microsoft Excel, Lotus Improv.
d. Database Management System
One of the uses of computers in an organization is to store large amounts of data. This data generated a variety of information. To store, process data, and then generate the information, required program with a program called a database management system (DBMS abbreviated) and often referred to as a database program only. Example: Paradox, FoxPro, Microsoft Access, Approach.
e. Graphics
One user needs is to make a picture. For that he could use a special program used to create images or graphics. Someone who is not good at drawing by hand, can make a good picture on the computer, because the image dikomputer easily changed and processed. Example: Corel Draw, Stanford Graphics, Visio, Adobe Photoshop
f. Accounting program
Applications are also widely used in the business world is application related to finance and accounting. Example: DacEasy Accounting, Pacioli 2000, Peachtree Accounting.
g. program Statistics
Statistical Program is a program that is used to conduct research related to statistical analysis. Example: SAS, SPSS, Statisca.
h. Communications
Communication is a program used to communicate with other computer users. Example: Carbon Copy, DataFax, Procomm Plus, crosstalk.
i. multimedia
Multimedia is a software that is used to connect computers and multimedia devices such as video cameras, digital camera, video player. Example: Microsoft Video, nero showtime, winamp.
j. game
Game is a program for the game. Example: Flight Simulator, Baseball, Prince of Persia, condition zero.
k. antivirus
Antivirus is a program used to mendetekdi and eliminate virus infected the computer being used. Example: McAfee VirusScan, Norton Antivirus, AVG, SMADAV.
Programming Language
Programming language, or often termed also with computer languages​​, is a technique of command / instruction standards to govern the computer. This programming language is a set of rules of syntax and semantics are used to define a computer program. This language allows a programmer (which makes the program) can specify exactly which data will be processed by a computer, how this data will be stored / transmitted, and precisely what kind of measures to be taken in a variety of situations.
A computer is a machine that can carry out a set of basic commands (instruction set). Computers can only be given command consisting of the basic commands. The commands are more complicated (for example, to sort a list in alphabetical order) should be translated into a series of basic commands that a computer can understand (the commands that are included in the instruction set computer) that can ultimately mennyelesaikan desired task, though executed with some basic operations, not a complicated operation.
The programming language is a language that can be translated into a set of commands that basis. The translation is done by a computer program called a compiler (compiler). Every programming language has its own kompilatornya. For example, the C ++ compiler will not understand a program written in the Java language. The syntax of programming languages ​​more easily understandable by humans than the basic command syntax. But of course, computers can only execute basic commands. So here an important role as an intermediary between the compiler programming language with basic commands.
Activities create a computer program using a programming language called computer programming. Programming language in the above two types, namely high-level language and low level language. High-level language is a programming language that can be understood by humans, such as PASCAL, FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Java, and C ++. While the programs using low level language is a language that is difficult to understand by humans.

According to the way of obtaining it, the software can be divided into several types.
Freeware. Software which is freeware can be used at no cost, but still have limitations on copyright users. Some examples are the freeware, Rocket Dock, CCleaner, and many more.
Shareware. Shareware is software that can be used without charge within a certain period. After that time period is complete, the user is given a choice, whether to continue using the software (with the consequence of pay) or do not use the software anymore .. Some examples of this shareware for example StyleXP, Window Blinds, WinRAR, and so on.
Proprietary software. In essence, proprietary software that is similar to the stuff that we can buy on the market. If we want to use it, we have to buy it. Proprietary software is severely restricted by copyright. We're not allowed to redistribute, fiddling with the program, and the software is not accompanied by the source code.
Open source software. Unlike the previous types of software, open source software gives us the freedom to use, modify as needed, and re-distribute both the original software and that has to change. Usually that is open source software included in the source code distribution. The purpose of making open source software is usually not for commercial purposes, but more to the social goals of how a software could be useful for the users. Some examples of open source software for example Pidgin, qGo, Inkscape, Gimp, and many more.
B. System Operation and Control Program
System operation is a set of computer programs for controlling the source (resources) itself as an central-processing unit (central processing unit), main memory (main memory), secondary memory (secondary memory), input and output devices (Input / Output devices). By such and Software applications (users application software) does not need to provide all the guidance required by the computer.
This allows pengaturcara focus its efforts to resolve problems to the customer.
Control program is a series of commands to control a process.
C. Utility and Program Services
Utility program or service program is computer software that is specifically designed to help manage and customize the computer hardware, operating system, or application software to perform a task or a series of small tasks.
Utility software is a kind of system software designed to help analyze, configure, optimize and maintain a single komputer.Sepotong of utility software is usually called a utility (abbr. Util) or tool.
Utility software should be contrasted with application software, which allows users to do things like create text documents, play games, listen to music or surf the web. Instead of providing the kinds of functionality, user-oriented or output-oriented,
Examples of Utility Programs
Disk Defragmenter, is one of the tools provided by Windows that is used to analyze the volume of the drive, and to allocate clicking and re-clicking consolidate files - files or folders - separate folder - split.
Drivers, an application for connecting a variety of hardware, and connected to the computer via software.

Category software utility
- Disk storage utility
- Disk defragmenters can detect computer files whose contents were damaged at several locations on the hard disk, and move the parts to one location to improve efficiency.
- Disk checkers can scan the contents of the hard disk to find files or areas that are damaged in some way, or not stored properly, and eliminate them for a more efficient hard drive operation.
- Disk cleaners can find files that are not necessary for the operation of a computer, or take in a sufficient amount of space. Disk Cleaner helps the user to decide what to delete when their hard disk is full.
- Disk space analysis for the visualization of disk space usage by getting the size for each folder (including sub folders) and files in the folder or drive.menunjukkan distribution of used space.
- Disk partitions can divide an individual drive into multiple logical drives, each with its own file system that can be installed by the operating system and is treated as an individual drive.
- Backup utilities can make a copy of all the information stored on the disk, and restore either the entire disk (eg in the case of a disk failure) or selected files (eg in case of accidental deletion).
- Disk compression utilities can transparently compress / uncompress the contents of a disk, increasing disk capacity.
- File Manager provides a method to perform routine data management tasks, such as delete, rename, catalog, uncataloging, move, copy, merge, generating and modifying data sets.
- Archive utilities output stream or single file when provided with a directory or set of files. Archive utilities, such as archives suites, usually do not include compression or encryption capabilities. Some archive utilities may even have a separate utility to un-archive the reverse operation.
- System Profiler provides detailed information about the software installed and hardware attached to the computer.
- Anti-virus utility scans for computer viruses.
- Hex editor directly change the text or data files. These files can be data or the actual program.
- Data compression utilities output a shorter stream or a smaller file when provided with a stream or file.
- Cryptographic utilities encrypt and decrypt files and streams.
- Launcher application provides an easy access point for software applications.
- Registry cleaners clean and optimize the Windows registry by removing old registry keys that are no longer used.
- Network utilities analyze the computer's network connectivity, configure network settings, check the data transfer or log events.
- Command-line interface (CLI) and graphical user interface (GUI) allows users to call and make changes to the operating system.

D. User Application Program
User application program is a program developed (alone, or purchased from an outside supplier) to meet the specific needs of pemakai.Yang included in the application program:
1. word processing
2. Spreadsheets
3. Application Database
4. Numerical Applications
5. Application of decision support
6. Application design
7. Application of accounting
8. Application audit

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